Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Yeah, it's me. Just Temporarily Displaced.

So I come back from the beach, all het up about the surfeit of flesh that, trust me, NO ONE wants to see, a rant all pre-composed about the fact that RSVP does not in fact mean Respondez-vous ONLY IF YOU'RE ATTENDING, and a host of other hoo-ha, only to discover that for some reason the cgi file in my Moveable Type installation--the one that gives me the interface that lets me actually PUT STUFF ON MY BLOG--will not execute.

This is annoying.

So I'm probably going to either upgrade my MT or switch to Typepad. As I am more of a dabbler than a virtuoso with this stuff, and as my life is completely out of control this week, this may take a bit. So in the meantime, I am blogger-fied.

Apologies for lack of links, and I'm pretty sure that if you have any sort of feed that tells you when I update it won't work right now. GAH.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...the surfeit of flesh that, trust me, NO ONE wants to see...

So true; how often I find myself standing aghast in Wal-Mart, fighting the urge to scream "Burqa! Burqa!"

-- PersonFromPorlock