Thursday, August 23, 2007

What I Have Done This Week

Well, it's Thursday. Thank God. Sort of. It's one day closer to next Tuesday, when I will finally be able to come home from work and collapse on the sofa.

"But BAW," you're no doubt wondering, "whatever is preventing you from collapsing on the sofa this week?"

I am so glad you asked, thoughtful readers.

1. I repainted the kitchen on Sunday. The entire kitchen, which included priming and painting over some stenciling I had done, moving large appliances, and while I was at it (and in the throes of OMYGODMYSONISONLYGONEFORAWEEKTHISISMYONLYCHANCETOPAINT) I decided to wash the tops of my cabinets and all the decorative doo-dads on them. The irony of all of this work is that the color I chose for the upper walls, a lovely off-white called "Irish Cream," is EXACTLY the same color that the walls were to begin with. So I worked like a dog for 8 hours, and then that evening, while lying on the floor hoping that my spine would realign, realized that it looked as though I had done exactly NOTHING to the kitchen. Yay.

2. I repainted the den. Same story, except with bonus 20 ft. cathedral ceilings and the tall walls that go with them.

3. I planned The Boy's birthday party, complete with angst over whether or not there would be more than one girl attending - o blessed relief! There are two! They can hang out and mock the boys. His b-day gift this year is this little guy, and I've already taken it for a test run and can attest to the fact that it is only the coolest toy ever! Seriously.

4. I cleaned the house like a fiend, because Saturday is The Boy's "family cookout b-day celebration," and the house will be chock-a-block with inlaws. Bonus - Darth Vader cake! Everything is better with a Darth Vader cake.

5. At work, I've learned about velociraptors and that in fresh water mussels, the parasitic larvae that attach to fish look like "Little tiny Langoliers - you know, like in the movie based on that Stephen King book...Pac men with TEETH!" Yeah. I also learned how to artificially inseminate a horse. THAT was exciting. I've also written 2 features, 2 science stories, and edited countless tons of other stuff.

So I'm a bit tired. Tonight we meet The Boy's 1st grade teacher, tomorrow is his party (with putt-putt and go karts), inlaws and my folks are descending for the entire weekend, Saturday marks the first practice of the baseball fall season, Sunday's gonna be out of control, and Monday will be the first day of school.

That's why I'm kind of looking forward to Tuesday. And why I'm eternally grateful for Diet Dr. Pepper.


Anonymous said...

Bless you. The tops of my cabinets and the knickknacks thereon are crying out for the same treatment, but they're going to have to sob a while longer.

The efficacy of DDP is a modern miracle. Try getting one at a Sonic drive-in with a little extra cherry and/or vanilla for true nirvana.

Anonymous said...

My depression era mother would have never let me have a toy like that. I wanna be your kid. Can I come over to play sometime? (that's rhetorical, don't get all creeped out)