Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New Home, New URL

Okay, got the MT4 install up and working.

New URL is

And there's an RSS feed and everything!

Hopefully this'll hold me for a while.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


The Boy was one day shy of being 2 weeks old on 9/11/01. I sometimes wonder if the sleep deprivation and post-partum hormonal flux contributed to the surreality of my memories of that day, because I remember it as being vividly, almost ethereally, bright and clear. And still. Completely still.

And there I sat, with a newborn on my lap, watching events unfold that I couldn't really get my head around for days afterward. I'll never forget it.

As a kid, I'd heard the grownups talk from time to time about "where they were when Kennedy was shot," and I remember wondering how someone could possibly remember mundane details about their individual lives on one particular day at one particular moment. Now I know.

Monday, September 10, 2007


So, I've figured out what I need to do to get the new blog installed; the only challenge now is actually finding the time to do it. Hopefully this week....

In the meantime, I'm trying very hard to help The Boy keep the secret of what he and Hublet have purchased for my birthday. Actually, I know what it is, but I'm having fun playing along with The Boy's attempts at 6-year-old subterfuge. And since he would be VERY upset if he inadvertently gave away the secret, I've been working very hard at being both blind (he "hid" the gift in his room, where I came across the bag while cleaning and had to pretend I didn't see it) and deaf (as I've mentioned before, The Boy has quite the talent for vocal projection, even while "whispering").

So far, so good, although Thursday can't get here fast enough. As his excitement at "surprising mom" builds, his covert ops abilities begin to slip. I may spend all of Wednesday evening in solitary confinement, just in case.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Blogger's Block?

Possibly. It's more likely that after spending all of August in a state of perpetual uproar, I just want to sit on my butt and play Age Of Mythology on the laptop. Pillaging is much more fun when you can involve a Minotaur or a Sphinx.

But so that you won't think I'm dead - here I am. And I read an awesome review in the WSJ of KC Johnson's book on the Duke Lacrosse case in which the reviewer refers to the president of Duke University as "craven." (link goes to DIW, not WSJ)


Review aside, the best fun is perusing the comments on Johnson's blog, especially the "trollier-than-thou" types who believe that having a WSJ reveiwer who's right of center review the book somehow deligitimizes the content.

Nevermind that there's an equally long list of positive reviews from left-of-center reviewers and publications. Thrill to the parsing done as the parser accuses Johnson of, erm, parsing!

And then there's the last refuge of those who have nothing to say, the "Why are you people reading this blog - You Suck! Get a life!" comment. Irony tips her beer in your direction, oh High Holy Projectionist of Your Own Issues commenter. BTW, these comments appear in the previous entry's thread, although I imagine they will also pop up in today's entry.